To view the tithe map of Dalwood parish, please click this link which will show you a map of the area covered and a table of the available digitised maps.

Dalwood Apportionment Schedule

Dalwood Apportionment Schedule Alternative View by Tithe Number

Historically from the 9th century Tithes were paid annually by the inhabitants of the parish in support of their church and local clergy. One tenth of the yearly produce of the land was payable in kind such as crops livestock animal produce like milk hides eggs and wool. Over many years some of these payments had been converted into money payments by private arrangements of the main landowners in the parish.

In 1836 the Act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales was passed by Parliament to standardise all these payments. All tithes still paid in kind were now to be commuted into fixed monetary sums.  Three Tithe Commissioners and a number of Assistant Commissioners were appointed to oversee this process of Commutation in England. Their first task was to survey and enquire into the extent and nature of surviving tithes payment in every parish in the country. An agreement to apportion the rent charges was then to be made between the landowners and the tithe-owners as to how much and on what land tithes were charged.

For the parish of Dalwood a Tithe Map was drawn up in 1840 with a Tithe Apportionment Schedule. This map shows individual fields and plots of land woodland ponds streams and rivers roads houses cottages and farm buildings.  The use of the colour red indicated whether a building was inhabited at this time.  Each of these features was given a number to correspond to the reference in the list of Tithe Apportionments for the parish.  It was stated that:

The Whole parish of Dalwood contains by Statute Admeasurement   1709  acres  3 roods  and 5 perches of land or thereabouts.  The whole parish quantity of land subject to tithes is:

Arable land                                 843 acres                2 roods                    36 perches

Meadow or Pasture land         607 acres                1 rood                      18 perches

Woodland                                   39 acres                  2 roods                    4 perches

Orchards & Gardens                126 acres                1 rood                      12 perches

Furze uncultivated                    53 acres                                                   7 perches

Roads & Wastes                        39 acres                  3 roods                    8 perches